Author - admin

Benefits of Garnet Abrasives

Garnet is a mineral widely used for sandblasting, and is commonly derived from deposits of either Almandite or Andradite. There are many advantages to using Garnet minerals over other minerals, as it can be used for both wet and dry sandblasting applications. As an industrial gemstone, garnets create a profile...


Activated Carbon for Effective Water Treatment

Activated carbon is a material you cannot do without whether in water treatment, as odor combatant and even for detoxification. With their huge demand in various application areas, today they come in varied forms like fine powder and as granules. In this article, we would talk about the use of...


Understanding Sand For Sand Filters

Ever wondered if the sand in your sand filters for the pool is the same as sand in a sand play box for a child ? Well the answer may surprise you. And is there a difference between an above-ground or an in- ground filtration system for a pool? These are...


Understanding How Filter Media Works in Water Treatment

Introduction Clean and safe water is a fundamental necessity for human health and well-being. With increasing concerns about water pollution and contamination, effective water treatment methods have become crucial. Among these methods, the role of filter media in water treatment stands out. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the workings...


Water Treatment Fundamentals

Improving the quality of water involves disinfection plus purification of untreated surface and ground water.

Community Level

A public/private water treatment facility aims to make water safe to drink and pleasant to taste, while also making sure that there is enough water to supply the needs of the community. Raw, untreated water comes...

Industrial Water Filter

Industrial Water Filter – Its Types With Advantages and Disadvantages

Industrial Water Filter

An industrial water filter is of critical importance as each industry has its own specific and individual water treatment needs. The cardinal rule towards selecting an effective water filter is to design your system such that it has at least 10% more filter capacity. While installing an industrial...

Water Filtration Process

Water Filtration Process

Water Filtration Process

Alkaline water has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. Water filtration is the process of removing unwanted chemicals and also the biological contaminants from water. Generally, it is purified for drinking purposes, but can also be purified for other purposes like to meet the...